3 Black and Global Majority People Scholarships
Science & Wisdom LIVE is proud to collaborate with Jamyang London Buddhist Centre to present our first Online Buddhism and Quantum Physics Course Scholarship, launching 1st September 2023. This course explores the profound parallels between Buddhist philosophy and modern quantum physics.
We are offering 3 Black and Global Majority People Scholarships – each gives free access to our first e-course on Buddhism & Quantum Physics.
DEADLINE: 1st of September 2023.
Please scroll down for more information!
About the online course:
Buddhist scholars have long collaborated with physicists to further understand the complex nature of reality. Even His Holiness the Dalai Lama encourages the study of physics as a way of bridging the gap between the science of life and the interconnected experience of living life.
The purpose of this interactive online learning course is to provide you with new analytical tools for your mind and to investigate the nature of reality and the self. With this fundamental shift in perspective, you can become more open to experiencing joy in daily life, expanding your worldview, improving well-being, enhancing mindfulness, and cultivating a deeper meditation practice.
Learners will begin with an introduction to Buddhist Philosophy, after which you will follow the syllabus which is organised in six modules: Introduction to Quantum Physics, Appearance & Reality, Buddhist Epistemology, Emptiness in Buddhism and Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics and the Nature of Consciousness, and an Experiential Buddhist Meditation Workshop.
Our syllabus and course materials are designed to be engaging and applicable to daily life; anyone who is interested in Buddhist philosophy, Buddhist practice, mindfulness, or physical science ”particularly quantum physics” is welcome to enrol.
Scholarships for Black and Global Majority People
As interest in science increases among UK youth, new initiatives have emerged to promote engagement in this field, particularly for communities who have not been given equitable educational and life opportunities. One of these new initiatives is BEaMS (Black, Ethnic, and Minority Scientists) a new society based at the University of Birmingham, whose ethos is to provide a supportive and interactive networking space for Black, Ethnic, and Minority Scientists
We are aware of the persistent underrepresentation of Black and global majority in both STEM, (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths), and in the field of contemplative practices, including Buddhism. We are committed to supporting all underrepresented communities in an ongoing commitment to redress equal opportunities and access for all.
In the spirit of inclusivity, diversity, and equity, Science & Wisdom LIVE is initially offering three Scholarships in 2023. These will be for young female Black and global majority scientists and/or female Buddhists with an interest in science, to join our first online course for free.
For more information on BEaMS: @Beams_uob (Twitter) or @beams_uob (Instagram).
Why This Scholarship?
More than 2.7 million people in the UK work in industries powered by physics. These include energy, healthcare, telecommunication, manufacturing, transport, aerospace, and defense. A field of study with such potential and importance should be open to people of all backgrounds, but this is unfortunately not the case.
“UK physics has no Black professors, according to 2020-21 data disclosed to the UK Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). Black people make up 4% of the country’s working-age population, and 8% of its science undergraduates, yet just 0.6% of its science professors. In all academic fields, just 160 of the United Kingdom’s 22,855 professors are Black (among those, just one-quarter are women). And the representation of researchers of Asian, ‘mixed or multiple ethnic groups’ (as the UK Census and HESA terms it), or ‘other’ ethnicities also dwindles with seniority, especially in science.”
—Elizabeth Gibney, “How UK Science Is Failing Black Researchers – In Nine Stark Charts” (Nature, 14 December 2022).
Celebrating International Women‘s Month
Our scholarships will potentially be offered three times a year; our first offering this March is in celebration of International Women’s Month and honours the influential American physicist, Shirley Ann Jackson. In 1973, Jackson completed her PhD in nuclear physics, becoming the first Black woman to earn a doctorate from MIT, one of the most prestigious universities in the world.
She then began to study particle physics as a postdoctoral researcher at Fermilab in Illinois, before joining the European Organisation for Nuclear Research in Switzerland. She was also the first African American woman to serve as Chairman of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission and is a current member of the Nature Conservancy Global Board. To this day, Shirley Ann Jackson passionately advocates for women and minorities in the sciences.
Eligibility and How to Apply
If you are part of the Black and Global Majority community and interested in expanding your knowledge in physics, philosophy, and Buddhism, we welcome you to apply for this scholarship.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Black and Global Majority – we understand this to mean persons of the African diaspora and persons of colour who together represent the global majority.
- You should be resident in the UK and interested in, studying or working in Buddhism or Sciences.
Are you curious to explore the inter connectedness between Science and Buddhism? Then please apply, we would love to hear from you.
How to Apply:
- Write a short statement of interest and include a brief biography and a 1 page C.V./Resume.
- Short Statement: In under 500 words explain why you want to enrol in our first e-course on Buddhism & Quantum Physics and how this course will benefit you.
- Please send all of this to hello@sciwizlive.com.
- DEADLINE: 1st of September 2023. If you read this later than the deadline, please get in touch, and we might consider you amongst the candidates for another potential application round later this year or early 2024.
If you have any further questions, please reach out to us at hello@sciwizlive.com. We hope to hear from you soon!
You can read our Diversity & Inclusivity Statement here!