This episode is an excerpt of a past Science & Wisdom LIVE dialogue, ‘What’s shame got to do with it?’.
You can listen to the full episode here.
Tenzin Chogkyi first became interested in meditation and Buddhism in the early 1970s, and became a student of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and other Tibetan Buddhist teachers in early 1991. Tenzin took novice ordination in 2004 with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and completed several long meditation retreats over a six year period.
Tenzin teaches Buddhist philosophy and meditation within the FPMT network, and also teachers Cultivating Emotional Balance. She is passionate about social justice and interfaith work in addition to her Buddhist practice, and has been teaching in prisons for more than a decade.
Dr. Eve Ekman is a Senior Fellow at the University of California Berkeley Greater Good Science Center, Director of Cultivating Emotional Balance Training Program and volunteer clinical faculty at the UCSF Department of Pediatrics. Ekman draws from an interdisciplinary set of skills and knowledge from her professional work and personal practice in clinical social work, integrative medicine, emotional awareness, contemplative science, and meditation.
Ekman’s inspiration for research and training were inspired by her experience as a medical social worker in the emergency department of San Francisco General Hospital coupled with her training in emotion awareness and meditation intervention which she now leads: Cultivating Emotional Balance, CEB.
Science & Wisdom LIVE brings meditation practitioners in conversation with scientists to address the problems of contemporary society and come to new possible solutions.
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