Contemplative traditions suggest that the world as we perceive it is the manifestation of a deeper, unseen process, that can be investigated through meditation and personal inquiry. To what extent can this fundamental level be studied scientifically? And what can this investigation tell us about the nature of reality and consciousness?
Biologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake and Buddhist teacher Geshe Tenzin Namdak will discuss how science and contemplative traditions can tackle big questions regarding the nature of reality, the interconnectedness of all phenomena and the relation between consciousness and the material world.
Our speakers will also touch upon David Bohm’s theory of implicate order and Dr. Sheldrake’s own hypothesis of formative causation, discussing the connections between these ideas and the insight achieved through contemplative practice.
About Our Speakers:
Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, is a biologist and author of ninety technical papers and eight books, including The Science Delusion, and the co-author of six books. He studied natural sciences at Cambridge and philosophy at Harvard. As a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, he was Director of Studies in cell biology, and was also a research fellow of the Royal Society. He worked in Hyderabad, India, as Principal Plant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), and also lived for two years in the Benedictine ashram of Fr Bede Griffiths on the bank of the river Cauvery in Tamil Nadu. From 2005-2010, he was Director of the Perrott-Warrick Project for the study of unexplained human and animal abilities, funded from Trinity College, Cambridge. He is currently a Fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences in Petaluma, California and of Schumacher College in Dartington, England. He lives in London. His web site is
Geshe Tenzin Namdak first worked as an environmental researcher having graduated in hydrology from Van Hall Larenstein University, The Netherlands. He started studying Buddhism at Maitreya Institute in 1993 and took ordination from His Holiness the Dalai Lama before engaging in his formal studies in Buddhist philosophy and psychology at Sera Jey Monastic University, South India, in 1997. He completed the entire twenty-year Geshe program at Sera Jey in 2017 and the traditional one year Vajrayana study program at Gyume Tantric College in January 2019, the first Westerner to do so. Because of his deep interest and background in science and as a member of Sera Jey’s Education Department he spoke on and organized various dialogues and conferences on contemporary science and ancient contemplative wisdom of the mind and its philosophy. Currently, he is the resident teacher at Jamyang Buddhist Centre, London, and teaches worldwide.